If you’ve ever been to my office, you would see the mission statement for my team “To change and impact the lives of others by helping people buy or sell the place that they call home.” We get to enrich the lives of not only our clients but also members of the community. Melissa has been involved with lots of different fundraisers however the one that has made the most impact to her has been A Wish Come True. This organization has helped many sick or disabled children with granting their families a wish. Melissa’s daughter Nevaeh is a special needs child who is a ray of sunshine and brings so much happiness to her that she wanted to help other families of special needs children. When a special needs child is welcomed into a family sometimes it is very overwhelming for the family and they fully don’t know what to expect. Melissa knows firsthand how hard it can be and she wanted a way to give something special to these children and their families and A wish come true does that.
We’ve been on a mission to raise money to grant wishes to children. . So for every home sale and referral we handle this year we are donating a portion of our income A wish come true.